(331) 704-0473




Where do I enter the Coupon Code?

The coupon code you received in an email can only be used one time and it should be entered in BEFORE making payment.  Click the "Enter Coupon Code" link beneath your total in the shopping cart.  The system requires you to enter a valid credit card even though the total will be $0.00. You will not be charged anything if the total is $0.00 upon checking out.

FAQ image

Can I get more than one item?

Yes.  The coupon code is for the first item.  If you would like more than one item you will have to purchase using a credit card for any additional item(s).  Upon check out you will be prompted to enter a credit card for any amount the coupon code doesn't cover.  

My item(s) don't fit right. Can I exchange items?

We will only be ordering just enough to fulfill orders that have come in.  There will be a limited amount of extras.  Exchanges are only possible if what you are wanting to exchange is available.  Also, exchanges will be handled after the holidays and after everyone else received their gift. 

Where is my delivery?

You will receive an email with a tracking number.  You will be able to track your order using that tracking number.  If you lost or never received a tracking number via email please contact us and one of our support representatives will assit you.  

What if I received the wrong item?

Contact customer service to get the correct item shipped out to you asap.  Have your order number ready and your confirmation email as well as a photo of the incorrect item to ensure the issue is resolved quickly. 

Customer Service 

phone: (331) 704-0473

email: [email protected]

What should I do if my product arrived damaged?

If your product arrived damaged and you were not home to refuse delivery please take a photo of the damaged item and any visible damages to the packaging.   

Send any photos to [email protected] or call 331-704-0473 for further assistance. 

Order Products

Contact info

721 N. LaSalle,
Chicago, IL 60654
United States


Open 8am - 5pm
